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/ Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS / Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO / sdn / college1.sdn

Jump To: Text (16)  |  Other (6)

Text (16)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
1-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-07-01
1ST-NOTE.STP Text File 22 1KB 1991-03-19
2-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-07-01
2ND-NOTE.STP Text File 22 739b 1991-03-19
3-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-07-01
3RD-NOTE.STP Text File 22 730b 1991-03-19
4-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-07-01
4TH-NOTE.STP Text File 22 764b 1991-03-19
5-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-07-01
5TH-NOTE.STP Text File 22 767b 1991-03-19
6-------.--- Text File 2 3b 1991-10-20
6TH-NOTE.STP Text File 22 777b 1991-03-19
COLLEGE.STP Text File 23 1KB 1991-10-17
EXAMPLE.DAT Text File 8 198b 1991-10-20
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 8 64b 1991-10-17
PRNT-DOC.BAT DOS Batch File 26 301b 1991-09-14

Other Files (6)
COLLEGE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 177KB 1991-10-20
READ-ME.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 72KB 1991-11-24
LICENSE.DOC Unknown 3KB 1991-11-24
READ-ME.1ST Unknown 3KB 1991-11-24
REG-FORM.DOC Unknown 5KB 1991-11-24
VENDOR.DOC Unknown 4KB 1991-11-24